About Me

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate (ABD) in Technology and Social Behavior, a joint program in Computer Science and Communication at Northwestern University. My research focuses on how children learn in complex environments and involves creating tools to support their learning. My work is situated at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction, Data Science, and Learning Sciences. I work with Marcelo Worsley in the Technological Innovations for Inclusive Learning and Teaching Laboratory tiilt lab.

In the past, I worked on social computing and collective intelligence. I empirically studied technological tools and their different dimensions within social context. Before entering Northwestern University, I earned a BS in Liberal Arts and an MS in Information Science. For more information see my CV, or please send me an email at bodon[at]u.northwestern.edu. I am in the job market.

Research Interests

My doctoral work focuses on the Design of Learning Environments, the identification and characterization of learning processes using computational and qualitative methods, and the creation of learning tools. For my dissertation, I am developing a wearable device to support sports teams, and through mixed methods, I am seeking to understand the dynamics of learning within these sports spaces.

Additionally, I have employed various UX approaches to evaluate prototyping tools, and I have developed artificial intelligence-based tools to enhance various aspects of learning, with a focus on identity enhancement, computational thinking, data literacy, and critical thinking. My immediate goals are to continue developing a well-rounded perspective on these research subjects and gain hands-on experiences within different organizations. I place a significant emphasis on working with underprivileged communities and have initiated my involvement in public scholarship through the Engaged Scholars program at Northwestern University. Please reach out if there is anything I can do to support your initiatives.


Selected publications:

  • Bodon, Herminio, Vishesh Kumar, and Marcelo Worsley. 2023. Constructing Sports Technologies and Understandings: Constructionist Pathways to Enrich Athletic Experiences. In Constructionism 2023, October 7–11, 2023, New York City, New York. ACM.
  • Bodon, Herminio, Vishesh Kumar, and Marcelo Worsley. 2022. Youth Experiences with Authentically Embedded Computer Science in Sport. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’22), June 27–30, 2022, Braga, Portugal. ACM.
  • Abhari, R., Vincent, N., Dambanemuya, H. K., Bodon, H, & Horvát, E. Á. (2022). Twitter Engagement with Retracted Articles: Who, When, and How?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.04228.
  • Platt, Edward; Bodon, Herminio; Romero, Daniel. (2019). Harnessing Diversity in Large Groups: An Agent-Based Model. ACM CSCW 2019.

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